Apply now as a Service-Partner and become part of the network. If you're running a bikeshop, a repair-shop or a bike-rental, you will get new customers and become more visible.
The advantages of a Service-Partnership
- Tap into the new market of yearly thousands of new Radon customers. As Radon is a mail-order-company, many of our customers like to have a local contact partner for the final assembly of their bike and for service- and maintainance-issues. As a Radon Service-Partner you can become one of those contact partners. You will soon have a lot of experience with Radon Bikes and your customers will appreciate this!
- As a Service-Partner you will be able to to order Radon Bikes directly from us and have them delivered to you. That this pays for you, you will get special retail conditions.
- Becoming a Radon Service-Partner will not be a financial risk for you. Nor will you have to finance any bikes in advance, neither will you have to pay any licensing- or admission-fees.
- The demand for Radon Bikes is rising constantly - as a Service-Partner you'll be a part of the success story. As your shop will be featured on our website, customers from your region will get aware of your business and would potentially order a bike to you. If the'll be satisfied with your work they will consult you again when it comes to buying further equipment and bike-maintainance.
- When you are a Radon Service-Partner, the name of your business will be featured in advertising campaigns in the big cycling magazines. This will increase the popularity of your business and for you it's abolutely free.
- You'll get your own space on the Radon website where you can present your shop / your business.
Requirements for your application as a Service-Partner
- You're the owner of a well established and presentable bike-shop or bike rental station with a repair shop.
- You keep a professional and friendly contact with your customers and are a reliable and service-oriented partner.
- You want to establish new business opportunities and are interested in Radon products.
Does this sound interesting to you? Just contact us, we'll inform you about the further proceeding!
Radon Service-Partner
z.H. Herrn Vincent Thorwarth
H&S Bike-Discount GmbH
Wernher-von-Braun-Str. 15
53501 Grafschaft
Tel: +49 (0) 2225 - 8888 268
Mail: v.thorwarth@radon-bikes.de